Blog #5

A few of the strategies I read from the article that I would use in my daily life is step 8 which is to turn off notifications and step 9 which is having a digital detox. I could achieve turning off notifications to help me not be on my phone so much and be distracted by it lighting up. I currently do this to my phone when I am busy because I know if I see my phone light up I feel compelled to look at it and respond. I can be able to do step 9 because I also have slowly started to add this into my daily routine. When I am in a room of people or in a casual conversation with someone I do my best to stay off my phone even when receiving a notification and giving myself a small detox. If I can continue these habits I will be able to make sure I spend less time each day on my phone and connect with more people surrounding my life and the outside world.

